Eco-fashion is one of the biggest trends of 2019. The fashion industry, as one of the industries contributing the most to global pollution and environmental contamination, faced a serious problem: how to make clothes and the entire production process more eco-friendly? Ecological clothes, new materials (like organic cotton) and new consumer habits have a chance to change fashion for the better. What trends are the most eco-friendly?


Eco-materials are definitely the trend that most visibly contributes to changing the production process. Organic cotton and linen are the most fashionable materials of the upcoming seasons. More and more brands, both Polish and foreign, follow this trend, producing collections made of materials that are completely safe for the environment. Consumers also change their habits and the way they look at eco-friendly clothes. The larger the selection, the greater the awareness, and as we know, awareness is key to making any changes.

Fashion recycling

Recycling is another trend that truly changes the contemporary face of fashion and the beauty industry. Although it involves more cosmetic brands, which increasingly reach for packaging made from alternative materials rather than plastic, fashion also focuses on bringing back into circulation what was once used. The biggest brands are now doing everything to promote recycling and in this way try to balance the scandalous ecological effects of disposing of unsold clothes.

No fur!

Fur-free is another trend that was proclaimed the new direction in fashion at the end of last year. In 2018, more and more fashion houses announced their resignation from fur and animal skins in favor of more ecological, fauna and flora friendly materials. However, when Chanel announced a complete break with natural fur, trend observers were unanimous: the end of animal materials has come! They were replaced by eco-fashion friendly to all creatures.

Zero Waste, or renting, renewing, swapping

According to the opinion-forming portal The Business of Fashion, 2019 is the year of ending the ownership of clothes. Renting will become the new buying, and the number of companies that are already starting to offer the service of renting dresses or casual clothes is the best proof of this. Eco-fashion is also rummaging through grandmother's, mother's, sister's and brother's wardrobes to find truly unique treasures. For similar reasons, second-hand shops are also increasing in popularity, which not only contribute to the propagation of eco-fashion in the form of a certain type of recycling, but are also often a real mine of fashion treasures.

New technologies will dominate the fashion market

This comparison would not be complete without mentioning new technologies. There is certainly no shortage of these, as every year brings new ideas for ecological changes in fashion. Clothes made from wood, clothes in 3D printing technology, virtual clothes rental, or production of clothes from materials that do not require frequent washing – these are just some of the fashion solutions from (not so distant) future. However, this future must definitely become more ecological, and new technologies and ecological clothes are most conducive to this.

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